Saturday, November 2, 2013


It's amazing how God shows up at just the right time and how quickly I forget that. I had an issue this week with some assignments that never got submitted over the internet, and I have no idea if they will be counted at this point. I have no idea how greatly that will effect my grade in the class. I was certain I had submitted the assignments, but in the end they never made it. I was so stressed out a few minutes ago, dumbfounded by my mistake and completely hard on myself. I don't think it was a matter of irresponsibility, it was just an honest mistake. On top of that stress and the stress of a potentially bad grade in the class, I have my last exam tomorrow. So, the stress just mounted. At this point, there's nothing I can do about it, and I have to go on. There's no sense in freaking out about it or spending the evening crying over it. I have to be diligent to prepare for the next thing. Move on. It's easy in these moments to forget that God is bigger than my mistakes and that He has a purpose that is beyond my understanding or reasoning. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He is truely a wonderful counselor, comforter, and prince of peace, regardless of my circumstances. While that's not always easy to convince yourself of, it's a matter of persistent faith and forward motion.

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