Tuesday, November 5, 2013

FIFA 14 Download

FIFA 14 Download

Oh good ol' god. Making humans which create awesome football and games like FIFA 14, and even more awesomer people who give free stuff to the poor people like me. :) 
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FIFA 14 download
Look at this awesome game, you can create play games like never before and you can download this exclusively by following this link: FIFA 14 download

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Download

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Download

By god and the game developers he has created, I have finally found my true game and it is Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag. In this game you can explore the worlds of 18th century, you can fight off pirates, you can search for treasure! This game is my real calling and I pray to god I found where to download it for free! I know I may sound cheap, but I can't wait 18 days for a PC release, so I searched far and long until I've found how to download the game! This is the best night of my life!
This is the video I found on the website called "Youtube". I will pray for this fellow who made possible to have Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Download for free! You can acess the website directly on http://assasins-creed-4-download.blogspot.com/ he's a fellow blogger aswell!! Thank you so much and god bless you.

My cup runneth over

By God's glory, this week I have finally felt like I am where I'm supposed to be. I feel like i've found my place here! We had our first meeting for the Center for Global Justice on friday and it's so exciting to hear what the Lord is doing. Last semester, the dean of our law school got to meet with the President of Mexico to talk about how the Center can partner with their government and offer support. At the same time, eight countries in Africa have contacted Regent to help them establish model law schools in Africa. These are such wonderful opportunities because these countries are war torn and downtrodden and one day a new generation of youth will be able to establish justice in their own countries through the rule of law. Jesus calls us to fight for the oppressed and to speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves! God is allowing the Center for Global Justice to be apart of the work that He is doing around the world to provide justice for the hurting. One story is of an African woman who was trafficked from Africa to Russia and randomly contacted Regent to find out where she could receive help in Russia. Because of the Center, the woman was put in contact with an organization that helps trafficked women. For circumstances such as this, I will be working with he Center to research non-profit organizations who hold the same values as the Center in order to build a collaborative network. It is evident that God is doing great things, because Satan is also at work. Several of our team members are facing difficult and unexpected circumstances, but that will not stop us. We know that God is in control of all things and we are joining together in prayer both for our friends and for the work that He is going to do through the Center. Please keep the center my friends in your prayers as they face very difficult circumstances. For such a time is this!

Another week down, only 12 more to go...Wow.

This weekend was pretty exciting. I got to spend it with friends when I wasn't studying. We went to Williamsburg had a great time. Then, I got to watch the Denver game with some other friends. Go Tim! I can't believe week on is already over. Looking back at last semester and ahead, the semester ahead seems so short and yet we have so much to learn. It's kind of exciting. Dean Cook always says, "you have 3 years to become the best lawyers you can be." I think that's very true. My professors remind us often to work at our subjects with all of our hearts, as pleasing unto the Lord. That's an important perspective to keep in mind with anything we do. It reminds us in the busyness that it's not about us, but Christ. He is the one who called us to this mission.

Some exciting news to report: I was accepted to be a part of a student volunteer team for the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law. I'm so excited to begin working with the Center, because it is the reason I came to this school. Its goal is to equip advocates to seek justice for victims of oppression and slavery, both domestically and abroad. Many of my friends came to Regent because of this Center. Its seeks to fight against sex trafficking, slavery, poverty, and other forms of injustice. Actually, many Regent alumni have been sent out to work in places like D.C., India, Cambodia, Africa and so many other places to work against these issues, which is a great thing for us because we get to network with these great people. My hope is to work toward the rights of children in the foster care system and for adoption issues. So in short, it's exciting to start working on the issues that i'm passionate about, while i'm studying all of these not so exciting subjects.

New Year and New Start

I am finally back in Virginia Beach and geared up to start a new semester. Being home was wonderful. The Lord blessed me with many special moments with my family and friends. It was so good to be at my home church and around familiar sights. The Lord even blessed me with an extra night at home. I was supposed to fly out thursday afternoon, but my flight was delayed and I gained an extra night at home. Some of the cool accounts from home: I was invited to sit in on several court hearings and a "Home for the Holidays" ceremony put on by Judge David Gooding, who is a dependancy judge in Jacksonville. On December 19th, I got to watch about 25+ children be officially adopted. Judge Gooding has a huge heart for children and every year at Christmas, he puts on a festive ceremony for the children and their families and finalizes all the awaiting adoptions. It was so special to hear the parents tell the court why they wanted the child. It was incredibly special for me, because I've seen parents rights become terminated in the same court room. From working at a homeless shelter, I've seen the Dept. of Children and Families workers come take the children. So, it is extra special to see the good things that come out of the court room. In addition, I'm pleased to share that I passed all of my classes, to the glory of God! I also had the opportunity to visit a friend in D.C. for the new year, which was pretty cool considering so many of our policies and laws come from that very area. Seeing the capitol building and the Supreme Court building helped inspire me a little bit when I wasn't so excited about starting the craziness again. Hopefully, that will give me motivation to start strong and stay focused this semester. I'm confident that it will be a good one with many opportunities!


It's amazing how God shows up at just the right time and how quickly I forget that. I had an issue this week with some assignments that never got submitted over the internet, and I have no idea if they will be counted at this point. I have no idea how greatly that will effect my grade in the class. I was certain I had submitted the assignments, but in the end they never made it. I was so stressed out a few minutes ago, dumbfounded by my mistake and completely hard on myself. I don't think it was a matter of irresponsibility, it was just an honest mistake. On top of that stress and the stress of a potentially bad grade in the class, I have my last exam tomorrow. So, the stress just mounted. At this point, there's nothing I can do about it, and I have to go on. There's no sense in freaking out about it or spending the evening crying over it. I have to be diligent to prepare for the next thing. Move on. It's easy in these moments to forget that God is bigger than my mistakes and that He has a purpose that is beyond my understanding or reasoning. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He is truely a wonderful counselor, comforter, and prince of peace, regardless of my circumstances. While that's not always easy to convince yourself of, it's a matter of persistent faith and forward motion.

"Is this really happening?"

That seems to be the main question my friends and I are asking ourselves! Is this really happening? Am I really in Law School? Am I really taking final exams? Do I really know Property law or Contract law or tort law? Uhhh...probley some more than others, but Yes. I think it is all really happening. Finals week is something to be reckoned with! I feel like I'm battling with God, to have Him take this away, but instead He gives me thorns of all types (mainly the material and little time) to keep me in check and relying on Him! It's amazing how much a person's brain can retain in little time, especially Contracts. I had a contracts exam today, and I had no idea what was going on in the class until two days ago! I learned it the best I could, spent 2 1/2 hours on my test today, and I have NO idea how it will turn out. I was reading again in Joshua 1, where the Lord tells Joshua it's his turn to lead the people over the Jordan, into the promised land. Joshua was trained by Moses, was called to this task, and the Lord promised Him that he would take the land. I keep reminding myself that no matter what these grades are, the Lord has called me here; He's been preparing me (I've been preparing diligently- as well as I knew how for a first year student), and He's going to fulfill His purpose for me. So, on to the next exam, which is friday! Then only two more next week.
As with everything, there must be balance~ So, my friends and I went to the Regent Christmas ball. We all got ready in my friend's tiny apartment on campus...fixed our hair, put on cute dresses, and danced the night away in the atrium of the law school! It was a great stress reliever. A big band of about 12 members played my favorite music, and I got to teach my friends how to ballroom dance. Not surprisingly, there weren't many law students there. It is still my assumption that I don't exactly fit your typical law student mold. I don't think I ever will. That's okay.

Finishing strong

Now that Thanksgiving is over and I'm back to the push! This time its a full-on sprint to the finish line. I went home for break, and I'm so thankful for it. It was so refreshing to see my family and friends, to spend some time out in the middle of no-where, FL, and to sit by fire laughing. Every year, my family goes camping with a large group from our church back home. It's wonderful! Lots of food, lots of people, and lots of laughing. It's nice to take a break from the work for a little while, except that I worked several hours every day. Now that I'm back, I feel the pressure pushing down. We have one more week of classes and two weeks of exams, 6 exams to be exact. However, only two of my classes have grades where the exam is the only factor. These next three weeks will be the true test of faith for me. It's so incredibly difficult to not compete intellectually, to not seek the approval of classmates and professors, and to not become overwhelmed. I just flew in this morning from Jacksonville; it's sunday; and I haven't even done any studying today, but I feel so anxious already. Thank the Lord that He is big enough to cover my weaknesses. I hope to finish strong in these last few weeks, because that is what the Lord calls us to do. Keep our mind set, press on, not look off track, finish strong. In three weeks, I will be able to say that I finished my first semester of law school and I didn't give up! Also, I visited another church this morning and really loved it. Most of all, I loved that the pastor brought up the story of George Mueller. He is one of my heroes in faith. He was a missionary in England who raised some 10,000 orphans, maybe more. He never once asked for money; he only asked the Lord to provide. George overcame a lot of shortcomings in his own life to get to the place where God lead him, but he denied himself and the Lord moved in his life in Amazing ways! This reminds me yet again of I know God is calling me to. To take care of the orphans, whereever and however that may look! Prayerfully, my posts will come with increasing faith in the weeks to come. Hope and trust in God alone, no matter the circumstances, as I finish strong!

Christian Worldview on Controversial Topics

I'm required to take a class called Christian Foundations of Law for this first semester of law school. The first couple of weeks of class we talked about various christian philosophers, lawyers and theologians. They discuss different worldviews on the law and how it came to be and what kind of authority government and citizens should have on the law. Basically, we learn the background of law from christian thinkers. It's a very interesting class and I'm so glad we're required to take because we talk about a lot about reason and justice and morals and the law. Now, we're starting to talk about christian worldviews on more current, controversial topics. So far, we've talked about abortion, transgender rights, criminal punishments: retribution and restorative justice, efficient breach of contracts, criminal responsibility. Our discussions come from both christian and non-christian legal professionals. They discuss moral issues behind eah topic and justice. We also discuss relevant scriptures from the bible with each topic. Now, we're talking about preemptive war and the ideas behind the Bush Doctrine, which was the first instance where a nation openly claimed that it would strike down any nation that has or harbors terrorist, essentially a claim to use preemptive forces. This is a very interesting topic considering the majority of my classmates, if not all, have grown up in the midst of some kind of terrorist threat. Our college and high school days were engulfed with the "war on terror." In the midst of the conversations i've grown up hearing and what the news wants to report, it is so important to step back and see the bigger picture and what I actually believe is just and what the bible says is just. I appreciate this class so much, because it gives me an opportunity to hear multiple perspectives on worldview, because it's a christian univeristy, it's emphasis is placed on scripture and a natural law worldview, where God is the ultimate authority and all things are subject to His will.