Now that Thanksgiving is over and I'm back to the push! This time its a full-on sprint to the finish line. I went home for break, and I'm so thankful for it. It was so refreshing to see my family and friends, to spend some time out in the middle of no-where, FL, and to sit by fire laughing. Every year, my family goes camping with a large group from our church back home. It's wonderful! Lots of food, lots of people, and lots of laughing. It's nice to take a break from the work for a little while, except that I worked several hours every day. Now that I'm back, I feel the pressure pushing down. We have one more week of classes and two weeks of exams, 6 exams to be exact. However, only two of my classes have grades where the exam is the only factor. These next three weeks will be the true test of faith for me. It's so incredibly difficult to not compete intellectually, to not seek the approval of classmates and professors, and to not become overwhelmed. I just flew in this morning from Jacksonville; it's sunday; and I haven't even done any studying today, but I feel so anxious already. Thank the Lord that He is big enough to cover my weaknesses. I hope to finish strong in these last few weeks, because that is what the Lord calls us to do. Keep our mind set, press on, not look off track, finish strong. In three weeks, I will be able to say that I finished my first semester of law school and I didn't give up! Also, I visited another church this morning and really loved it. Most of all, I loved that the pastor brought up the story of George Mueller. He is one of my heroes in faith. He was a missionary in England who raised some 10,000 orphans, maybe more. He never once asked for money; he only asked the Lord to provide. George overcame a lot of shortcomings in his own life to get to the place where God lead him, but he denied himself and the Lord moved in his life in Amazing ways! This reminds me yet again of I know God is calling me to. To take care of the orphans, whereever and however that may look! Prayerfully, my posts will come with increasing faith in the weeks to come. Hope and trust in God alone, no matter the circumstances, as I finish strong!